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WTO: WTO members show restraint in trade-restrictive measures despite economic uncertainty

WTO members show restraint in trade-restrictive measures despite economic uncertainty
The Director-General's mid-year report on trade-related developments covering mid-October 2021 to mid-May 2022 shows WTO members continued to exercise restraint in imposing trade restrictions. The report, presented to members on 27 July at a Trade Policy Review Body meeting, looks at the use of trade measures at a time when the world faces severe challenges and economic uncertainty. Speaking at the launch of the report, DG Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala said it is important not to underestimate the risks generated by the COVID-19 pandemic and the impact of the war in Ukraine.
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DG Okonjo-Iweala calls for more support for sustainable fisheries, launches new report
Financial assistance must be expanded to help developing and least-developed country (LDC) members establish sustainable fisheries in light of an historic WTO agreement to curb harmful fishing subsidies, Director-General Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala said at an Aid for Trade Global Review event on 27 July, where a new report by the Secretariat was launched. The event also featured high-level officials from coastal economies and donor partners who expressed support for channelling more resources towards sustainable fisheries.
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Report of the TPRB from the Director-General on trade-related developments
Remarks by DG Okonjo-Iweala
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In a world of polycrisis, Aid for Trade Global Review focuses on recovery, resilience
In a world buffeted by the continuing COVID-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine, food insecurity and climate change, the 2022 Aid for Trade Global Review opened on 27 July at the WTO with a focus on how Aid for Trade can help developing and least developed countries recover from multiple crises and build resilience to ensure long-term sustainable development.
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Aid for Trade Global Review 2022 — Session 35 — "Implementing the WTO Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies — Challenges and Opportunities for Developing Members"
Remarks by DG Okonjo-Iweala
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Chairs Programme Conference concludes with call for enhanced cooperation with policymakers
The WTO Chairs Programme (WCP) concluded its three-day annual conference on 27 July, wrapping up fruitful discussions on a wide range of trade-related issues, including sustainable trade, outcomes reached at the 12th Ministerial Conference (MC12), future research priorities, training and outreach, and opportunities for collaboration within the WCP network and with policymakers.
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WTO high-level event examines how international cooperation can tackle illicit trade
Top officials of six global organizations have called for greater coordination among relevant national and international bodies in the fight against illicit trade in medical products, which puts the health and livelihood of people all over the world at risk. Speaking at a high-level roundtable on 27 July held at the Aid for Trade Global Review, they shared perspectives on activities they are undertaking and how they could engage in closer cooperation.
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Heads of multilateral agencies outline central role in addressing multiple crises
The WTO, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) outlined on 27 July the role they play in supporting sustainable development and helping developing economies respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine and climate and energy-related crises. The session held at the Aid for Trade Global Review looked at where Aid for Trade financing is being directed, what it is achieving and how future priorities should balance short-term pressures with longer-term needs.
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Aid for Trade must adapt to channel resources for an effective, green transition
Trade initiatives must keep up with the evolving needs of developing and least developed countries (LDCs) in order to adapt to climate change as part of a global economic strategy, participants heard at the Aid for Trade Global Review on 28 July. Open trade and lowering barriers to environmental goods and services must play a critical role in providing affordable access to advanced technologies needed to transition to a low-carbon economy, speakers said.
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Aid for Trade Global Review 2022 — Session 28 — Plenary: Sustainable Aid for Trade
Opening Remarks by DDG Zhang
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